Repurposing with Renee Materials

Repurposing with Renee Materials

We've partnered with Renee Materials to re-home our rug samples

With the aim of eliminating our pre-consumer waste, we’ve partnered with Renee Materials to turn discarded materials into useful resources that lengthens the lifecycle of the things that we simply can't keep.

As part of this vision, we donate any unneeded rug samples from our showroom and set pieces from photoshoots directly to Renee materials who then catalog and distribute to their community of creative people seeking materials for projects and workshops. By developing a waste system, it means that we have discarded zero textile waste over the past year. This is something we want to continue to keep as we grow.

How to shop with Renee Materials

Anyone can get their hands on these resources, either from their hub in Hackney Wick or from their online Ecommerce catalog. It’s really wonderful to see the rug samples used for all kinds of things, where some simply use them as interior door mats or wall hangings, others use them to sample and test creative textile projects or workshops.

Alongside FLOOR_STORY samples, you can find fabric, woodwork, paint and leather goods amongst a vast collection of handy materials to get a project going. All the pieces are set at reasonable pricing, making them super accessible especially amongst students and independent makers. The proceeds go back into Renee Materials to help them grow and retrieve more waste from businesses.

Renee Materials pop up stall with varied materials for sale

Renee Materials pop up stall with varied materials for sale

Why Reuse Over Recycling?

It’s always best to reuse an item if possible, which is why our useful tips on best ways to cut ties with an old rug include suggestions like refurbish and resale, rehoming or donating an old rug, before recycling it. Due to the composition of rugs, recycling can be tricky, however our brilliant partner Anglo Recycling are the experts at creating useful products from rugs that really are at the end of their useful lives.

Environmental Impact

Recycling is great, but it's not without its downsides, for example, it can require significant energy consumption. Reusing materials skips these energy-intensive processes altogether, so by donating your old rugs to hubs that specialise in reuse, you’re conserving energy and reducing waste to landfill.

Resource Conservation

When you reuse, you’re minimising the need for new raw materials. This means less yarn required, less water wasted, and a significant reduction in carbon footprint. Imagine how many resources you’re saving just by giving an old rug a new purpose!


Reusing materials can also be more cost-effective than recycling. Recycling requires transportation, labour, and energy, all of which add up. Reuse, on the other hand, often involves simpler, more cost-efficient processes. This means more of your donation goes directly to making a positive impact.

The Versatility of Reused Textiles

Innovative Uses

Old textiles are incredibly versatile. Have a worn-out rug? It can be transformed into a unique wall hanging or even a set of tactile coasters. The possibilities are endless, making reused textiles a treasure trove of creativity.

Customisation Opportunities

Reused materials offer a fantastic opportunity for customisation. You can dye, cut, stitch, or combine different pieces to create something entirely unique. This level of personalisation is often hard to achieve with new materials.

Enhancing Aesthetics

Reused textiles can add a touch of authenticity and warmth to your home decor. They often come with a story, a history that new items lack. Incorporating these materials can give your space a unique character that’s hard to replicate.

Cutting Ties with an Old Rug

Cutting Ties with an Old Rug

Feel good about moving on by avoiding landfill.

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