Collage Club London Workshop
Recently our designer Gill took part in a collage workshop with Collage Club London. They frequently organise workshops across London and provide all the materials. Many workshop have a specific theme like Valentines day or the upcoming Andy Warhol exhibition, or are organised in collaboration with events or brands.

Embracing hands-on techniques and using scissors as a drawing tool, Collage Club is perfect for anyone keen to flex their creative muscles and get making without having to produce perfectly proportioned, boring drawings. Each session features a range of activities including speed-collaging and collaborative image-making, and every workshop is packed with top notch magazines and colourful paper for participants to rip, snip, glue and stick into something brand new.
Collage Club London

Browse some of our rugs inspired by collage making below:
Collage Abstract Multi
More information on their website https://collageclubldn.com/