
You'll probably know that we're always taking pictures of fab floors on our travels, but it looks like we're not the only ones...

Well it's not technically pictures of floors but feet, though the two do rather go hand-in-hand. Photographer Erik Kessels has trawled the internet using the 'my feet' and 'I'm bored' search tags translated into different languages to find pictures of 2,500 pairs of feet for theF/STOP International Photography Festival in Lepzig, Germany. There's feet in literally every conceivable situation and location. Some barefoot, some shod, some on beaches, some on pavements and some on carpet. The idea of the installation is that visitors walk across the photos and capture their feet in one self perpetuating mass-selfie. We rather like it. Of course if you haven't checked out our #ihavethingswithfloors hashtag then search for it on Insta. Word is spreading.

Image courtesy ofmomenteel.de. Story first seen on Creative Review